Fuck the system
It's all a conspiracy. We are all slaves to this system. Face it - one way or the other, you are feeding the system. Some people do it by being dumb and idiotic, some others by being smart and shrewd. Either way, the system benefits and you get fucked. Don't you understand this shit? OK, for all you dumb fucks, let me elaborate.
When you are born, depending on the culture and the background you are coming from, your brain is drilled with the so called "laws of society". Fuck that. Who wrote these laws? I wasn't there at the "meeting" when these laws were made. So how the fuck can you expect me to be abide by these laws? Why can't I burp out loud infront of people? What makes it gross? I wanna know. How do you know burping in a crowd is considered gross? Because you have been told so! Can't you see it? You have been told to do things! Contrary to popular belief, we are always listening to someone in this world. That makes us slaves to society!
Yeah, you heard me. We are all slaves. The world is getting diplomatic by the day and we have been forced to think we are independent in our own way but actually we are dependent on the system. We fear to walk the other way. We fear being ostracized. Right? No? OK those who don't agree to me continue being slaves to the system. Those who agree become my slaves... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA... *evil evil laughter*
OK, I was just horsing around in the above lines. I'm back. I have made sure I don't forget my password this time around. So yeah... I'm back. But with a whole new outlook. Ready to blast the shit out of everyone. :P
Oh, system has always sucked with its "morals" and "manners" and "ethics" and what not. Right from the moment we're born to the moment we die, there are these bloody rules to follow. Where the hell is the damned individual will? Stupid system. It needs to shut up and let us use our own brains for a change...of course, there can be certain brainless exceptions who can continue following the system...*smirks and points towards you*.
OK, I was just horsing around in the above lines.
No, you can't horse around. You're just a teeny weeny gator. :D
You don't become slaves to society, you become civilised.If social norms weren't made and we didn't have a sytem to follow we would still have been in the caves era.
Now I am not saying that one has to be cattle and do what others do.Of course one should have a mind of his own, be able to think.Differentiate between right and wrong.Create a niche for himself.That doesn't mean one needs to get antisocial in anyway..and as long as you think those have to be followed,then those laws are also made by the society we live in.An extension to your burp question.Who said killing another man is wrong.I wasn't really there at that meeting.
Welcome to the blog world..Awesome start and hope to see many more posts from you.
The Girl a.k.a Idiot :D
Yeah exactly, if you emphasize on individuality, you become outcast. We should be given the oppurtunity to use our thinking rather than being molded into a fuckin' clay model.
Anyway, I'm not a gator!!! x-(
Baby Dinosaur!! =))
//Differentiate between right and wrong.Create a niche for himself.That doesn't mean one needs to get antisocial in anyway..and as long as you think those have to be followed,then those laws are also made by the society we live in.//
How do you know what is right and what is not?? All I'm saying is, you are judging circumstances and situations holding something else as reference. And how do you define 'antisocial'? Aren't you using something that is pre-defined?
And I won't kill a person if I burp!!! I know I hardly brush my teeth but I'm sure it won't kill him!! [8)]
Killing a person is different. We're hurting another individual physically. However, if a person swears, burps or does anything else related to his own self which doesn't harm anyone else, I don't see any reason why others should stop him. We should be free to do whatever we wish to with our person or property, as long as we do not infringe on the same liberty of others. That's how I think I can sum up the whole thing.
And there's nothing really right or really wrong. Most of the things are relative.
@Gator, gator, GATOR: I'm not a baby dinosaur. x-( You're vain peacock though. Muhahahaha. =))
The Girl and Boxed Man:
I don't think a generalisation works here is my point.
Some things are ok, some things aren't is a matter of convinience, not conviction.
As far as societal norms are concerned, everyone takes what suits them and what doesn't.
Minding some one else's business is a different issue altogether.
I demand to be out on your blog roll.
Waste you are.
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