why do people always end up in a puddle of shit without the shoes for it? there are two categories of mistakes that people make in their lives... the first includes a series of minor mistakes which disrupt your life to a certain extent but you get the breathing space to recover between those mistakes and errors in judgment... the second category includes one major disaster of mammoth proportions leaving you no time to recover from it, sometimes the miscalculation is so intense, it snowballs a series of irreversible events on you and you neither have the time nor energy to hide for cover or shield yourself from them... that's when you realize just how fucked up your life can be... you become mature and level-headed after such a debacle and you are filled with remorse and regret, you are so full of it that you can't carry yourself around any longer without being sucked deeper into the grave you dug up yourself... you'll be neck deep in shit and no matter how hard you try to get out of it, you are just going to be pulled down faster than you ever expected... this is the point in life when you become so numb to things happening around and to you, you get a strong urge to give it all up and sink into your grave... something tells you that you shouldn't die a loser but can you survive the hell you're going through? something also tells you not to repeat mistakes ever again but will you ever get a chance to get out smiling? how many chances will you ultimately get?
these questions seem meaningless when you weigh them against the one question that'll never have an answer...
"why did i fuck up so bad?"
these questions seem meaningless when you weigh them against the one question that'll never have an answer...
"why did i fuck up so bad?"
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